Privacy Policy

General provisions

This site (hereinafter referred to as the Website) is managed by KOXIT LLC (EDRPOU code: 43299209, legal address: 64A Kulparkivska street, apartment 902, Lviv, Lviv region, 79015, Ukraine), registered and carrying out its activities in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

We assign high priority to the confidentiality of personal information of our users; therefore, the Company strives to protect the confidentiality of personal data (information or a set of information about an individual or a legal entity that is or can be identified), creating and providing the most comfortable conditions of usage of the Website’s services for each user.

The data that users provide when filling out the registration form or during other manipulations is used only in cases specified in the Privacy Policy, or in other cases directly provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Collection and usage of personal data

When the user uses the services of the Website, the Company processes the user’s data, namely: – data provided by the user both when filling out registration forms and while using the services; – cookie files; – IP addresses; – Internet browsers parameters and settings (User-agent).

The Company collects only that personal data (for example, your first and last name, e-mail address, contact phone, date of birth, gender, etc.), that you have knowingly and voluntarily provided as a subject of personal data with a purpose to use the services of the Website. Pursuant to the requirement of the applicable law, it is considered the consent of the subject of personal data to provide their personal data for processing in accordance with the purpose formulated in this Policy.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”, the Company neither collects nor processes such data as: racial or ethnic origin; political, religious or ideological beliefs; membership in political parties and trade unions; convictions to criminal punishment; data related to health and/or sexual life; biometric or genetic data.

By entering your e-mail address, you automatically agree to receive information and/or newsletters from the Company.

By registering on the Website and filling out the feedback form, you also confirm that you have read the list of your rights as a subject of personal data in accordance with Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”. This list is available at the following link:

Personal data of users of the Website are stored on the hosting servers:

Purpose of personal data collecting

Personal data is collected for the purpose of managing and maintaining the Website, as well as for providing services and information requested by the user. Also, the data is collected to ensure the possibility of communication with the Company, replying to the comments and questions, as well as for other purposes describer herein.

If the user contacted the Company through the feedback window, personal data is processed for providing the user with answers to their questions, arranging meetings, calls or other communication – within the limits set by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Methods and terms of processing of personal data

The Company reserves the right to store and process users’ personal data with no time limit, except for the cases provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.

Personal data is collected and processed in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, including, but not limited to: the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”, “On the Ratification of the Convention on Protection of Individuals in Connection with Automated Processing of Personal Data, and the Additional Protocol to Convention on Protection of Individuals in Connection with Automated Processing of Personal Data Regarding Supervisory Bodies and Cross-Border Data Flows”, “On Information”, “On Advertising”, “On Telecommunications”, “On Protection of Information in Information and Telecommunication Systems”, as well as in accordance with other legislative instruments regulating the Company’s activities.

Users’ personal data is stored on special servers at, where all the information is protected and can be used only in the cases indicated hereby.

In addition to the above purposes, the Company uses personal data of users for automatic mailing of news, special offers, promotions and other information about the Company and the services provided by the Company. The mailing is performed by sending messages to the user’s e-mail address and/or via other electronic or communication means (text messages, social networks, TelegramViberWhatsApp messengers) according to the data of the user, which they notified to the Company in writing or electronically by filling in the appropriate questionnaires, or in other ways.

By agreeing to the Privacy policy, the user also gives their consent to receive newsletters, special offers, promotions and other information about the Company and the services provided by the Company. The user has the right to refuse to receive messages from the Company at any time by sending a letter to the e-mail address of the Company’s administration: [email protected], or by notifying the Company on their refusal to receive messages from the Company in any other convenient way.

Cookie files

Cookie file is a text file or files containing a small amount of information, which is/are sent to a web browser and stored on the user’s device. User’s devices may be a computer, mobile phone or other device using which the user visits the Website.

The Website uses Cookies and anonymously collects information about visits to the Website.

Using Cookies, information about movements of visitors on the Website is collected. This allows improving the performance of the resource. Such an approach allows focusing on the visitors’ preferences and creating content that would be interesting for users.

Each browser has setting, using which you can prohibit the sending of Cookies or set requirement for confirmation for each sending. These actions will protect you from spreading information about your movements in the Internet, but at the same time, some websites and features may become unavailable.

Personal data protection

To ensure the confidentiality of information about users, the Company applies various security measures, including administrative, managerial and technical ones. When processing personal data, the Company takes all necessary organizational and technical measures to protect it. The Company applies all the generally accepted methods and security measures to ensure protection of information from illegal or accidental access, destruction, distortion, blocking, copying, unauthorized distribution, as well as other illegal actions by third parties. Software network protection and compliance with the terms hereof ensured the security.

However, despite the high level of protection of users’ personal data, users themselves also need to follow certain rules. When working in the Internet, be careful and do not share your personal data.

Despite its best efforts, the Company cannot guarantee absolute security against the threats arising outside of the Company’s control. The user shall be aware that their personal data may become available to third parties as a result of a malfunction of the Website, a virus or hacker attack, technical malfunctions, cyber-attacks on the hosting server, and other force majeure circumstances. The user understands and agrees not to make any claims against the Company in this regard.

The Company’s interactions with third parties regarding personal data

The Company does not transfer personal data to third parties, except for the cases when such transfer is required by law, at the request of the subject of personal data or in other cases expressly provided for by law. The Company understands that personal information is valuable for any person; therefore, the Company takes all possible measures to protect the personal information that the users have transferred to the Company voluntarily and knowingly. Unauthorized disclosure of information that constitutes a commercial secret has the consequence of bringing guilty persons to liability, including criminal liability.

The Website may contain links to other websites (for informational purposes only). If you follow the link to other websites, this Policy will not apply to such websites. Therefore, the Company recommends you to review the Privacy and Personal data policies of each website before submitting any personal identification information.

Rights of the subject of personal data

The Company informs you of your rights as a subject of personal data, regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”, namely:

– to know the sources of collection, location of your personal data, purpose of processing, location or place of residence of the owner or controller of personal data, or to issue the appropriate instructions to the authorized person to receive this information – except for cases established by law;

– to receive information about the terms of access to personal data, in particular information about third parties to whom such a personal data is transferred;

– to access your personal data;

– to receive – no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request – except for the cases provided by law, an answer on whether your personal data is being processed, as well as to receive the content of such personal data;

– to present a reasoned demand to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of your personal data;

– to make a reasoned demand for the change or destruction of your personal data by any owner and administrator of such personal data, if this data is processed illegally or is unreliable;

– to protect your personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, or damage, due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision of data, as well as to protect it from providing information that is unreliable or disgraces the honor, dignity and business reputation of a natural person;

– to file complaints about the processing of your personal data to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or to the court;

– to apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on protection of personal data;

– to introduce reservations regarding limitations of the right to process your personal data when providing your consent;

– to withdraw your consent to processing of your personal data;

– to know the mechanism of automatic processing of your personal data;

Additional conditions

All amendments and additions to the Policy are posted on the Website without special notification to the users. The new version of the Policy enters into force when posted on the Website, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy. The user’s continued use of the Website services after introduction of amendments or additions to this Policy means the user’s acceptance and agreement with such amendments or additions.

To clarify any questions directly with the Website administration, please, send an e-mail to [email protected].

In case of any disputes between the user and the Company related to the compliance with the requirements of this Privacy Policy, the procedure of mandatory pre-trial settlement of the dispute is applied: the user sends the Company a claim (a written proposal for voluntary settlement of the dispute). The Company, within 30 calendar days from the receipt of the claim, notifies the applicant in writing about the results of its consideration. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be referred to a judicial institution in compliance with the current legislation of Ukraine.